Flat glass manufacture
Ibertrónix has different equipment for measuring temperatures and vision systems for different processes in the manufacture of flat glass both in flat construction glass and for the automotive sector.
There are different points of application for the measurement of temperatures in the manufacture of flat glass as you can see in the following diagram.
To cover these measurements Ibertronix Infrared & visión S.L has a wide range of optical pyrometers specially designed for each reading point. From the pyrometers of the DSF30NG series to pyrometers with a wavelength of 5.14 microns specially designed for measurements on glass.
We also have linear thermographic cameras for thermographic measurement on glass sheets with high frequency work systems that allow high resolution thermographic images.
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También disponemos de cámaras de visión para la visualización en el interior de los hornos de vidrio plano fijas y con sistemas retráctil.